Thursday, May 23, 2019

An outline biography

An outline biography  
 Sensei Tony Christian was born in 1947, following his fathers return from WW2. Brought up in a boxing background as his father was as bookmaker in the city of Liverpool. Sensei Christian's interest in Karate was fired in the 1965, when he saw a demonstration of Karate by Kasa, Shirai, Kanazawa and Eneoda.
He started his Karate career by joining a Wado Ryu Karate club run by the late Danny Conner. Who would become a lifelong friend. By the late 1960's Sensei Christian was a blackbelt instructor for the style of Mushindo.
In 1971 he became the first teacher to study and join the style of Goju Ryu Karate-Do when it was introduced to the UK. The 1970's 'Kung Fu Boom' greatly expanded interest in the martial arts and Karate, this allowed Sensei Christian to expand from teaching in a single club in Liverpool, to teaching all-over the north-west of England and becoming a one of the first professional Karate instructors in the UK. In 1975 he met the Karate teacher who would become the strongest influence and inspiration to him, Teruo Chinen. By the 1980's Sensei Christian had become involved in Kickboxing. This partly because he was unhappy with some aspects of Karate. He began to analyse and revise what he had been taught. He concluded that the problem wasn't what he had been taught, but the way it was being taught. He launched a revision of his Karate based on this insight and his practical combat experience.
In 1981 Sensei Christian also opened one of the first permanent, full time Karate Dojo's in the north of England. This Hombu Dojo would remain an active powerhouse of Karate for the next 25 years. There are now over a dozen Karate clubs that have grown from students who have moved away and begun teaching.
Back before opening the Shevington Dojo, in Wigan. He had been travelling around Liverpool, Wigan, Manchester and Preston areas, teaching at different clubs he had. Opening the Shevington Dojo allowed Sensei Christian to focus and expand what he was doing. Throughout the 1990's and 21st century Sensei Christian acted as inspirational teacher. His monthly 'Master Classes' were open to all and well attended. These gave many, food for thought and they took away ideas that they made their own. He continued to analyse and revise, studying the Chinese martial arts to aid this. Creating a Goju Ryu that is truly both hard/Go and soft/Ju.
And his abilities as a teacher of the Martial Arts is shown by the number and quality of his students.

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