A little sample of the thing this blog will be covering in more detail later. Sensei Christian's views on open and closed approaches to teaching and training.
Sensei Christians view is that there are two approaches to training , an open one , where the art relates to and is influenced by the student , the progression of training , experience and the outside world etc. And a closed approach were everything is fixed , unchanging and unadaptable . There is only THIS way.
Only this ONE response and all else is wrong .This stifles the development of the student, who may ultimately get there but isn’t being helped . This is reflected in Sensei’s teaching methods . Technical training , where the focus of attention is on what you do ,the performance of correct technique, both solo and with a partner. (Is this where the closed approach became trapped?) And Tactical training were the focus of attention is on dealing with the attacks etc of the training partner . It is this attack that governs the response , what technique you want to use! And Sensei’s view has always been that karate is SELF-DEFENCE ,always has been, and all else is secondary. What good is the ultimate aim of karate-do as expressed in the dojo kun if you’ve lost , been beaten or killed! The primary aim of karate 500 years ago was self-defence and it should still be today .
Read your Blog. 'Me and Gary went down and started teaching him the Kata ' You will definitely have to remind me which Kata your 'taught me' given the fact I was already practicing Goju Kai a full year before you and had already spent 6 months living in Medway training every day with Brian Waites. Brian had ranked me first dan and taught me up to Kururunfa. According to my notes you never visited the Sheffield Dojo or the Bromely dojo in London so where and when this so-called 'teaching' went on is a mystery to me. Gary came over a couple of times as did Steve Morris but this was all long before you actually started Goju So again, Grand Master Tony, you will definitely have to bring me up to date on your 'teaching me the kata' Steve Bellamy – Nagoya Japan.